The Dream Exploration and Empowerment for Peace (DEEP) Partnership Program is a capacity building partnership program organised by the DEEP Platform, Egunec Education Support Foundation and MasterPeace Nigeria. The DEEP Partnership program seeks to mentor and empower young professionals with compelling dreams with the capacity to design and develop purpose based projects that will enable and facilitate peace in vulnerable communities.

DEEP Partnership Program uses a purpose project mentorship approach to coach, guide and train young professionals on how to express their purpose, spirituality and create transformational innovative impact through their careers. It also seeks to position, brand and project these innovators to the world.

Through committed participation in the DEEP Partnership Program, our partners learn and acquire the core skills and tools necessary for career and relationship success, purpose discovery and spiritual expression that will enable partners achieve significant greatness, create generational impact, become thought leaders, harness their purpose and derive maximum satisfaction and fulfilment in their respective careers.

The DEEP partnership program is built around three core foundational beliefs:

  1. We believe that positive system changing dreams are a light deposited in man by God. That is why God is described as the Father of Lights, Jesus the Light of mankind and we are children of light.
  2. We believe that this light is a solution to the growing problems facing the world today. The DEEP Partnership Program exists to help the children of light activate and position the God-given solution embedded in them to solve the world’s problem.
  3. We believe that these solutions when explored, developed and expressed will lead to peace in the world. That is why children of God are referred to as peace-makers. That is why we regard dreams (the light deposited in us) as a thought of peace and this is the foundation for our thought of peace model.

We therefore see ourselves as a platform where you can learn how to express your God given light and become a relevant solution to the world.

There are 4 elements that a person must have before he/she is accepted into the DEEP Partnership program. These elements include:
  • Spirit Identity: : A belief in God and a strong sense of Spirituality and Faith
  • Purpose Thirst: Must have a compelling positive and system transforming dream that excites and challenges (even if he/she doesn’t know how to achieve that dream) and a hunger and desperation to express his/her purpose
  • Mind Thirst: A hunger for knowledge and a learning character (willing and ready to read, experiment and take multi-disciplinary courses that will be developed by DEEP coaches)
  • DEEP rooted Commitment towards expressing the light of God through his/her dream.
  • A dream master’s programme designed and specifically tailored for you to explore their unique dream and purpose.
  • Integration of your mental, soul and spiritual energy for a whole growth purpose experience
  • Purpose discovery in your capacity as a young professional with great ideas
  • A dedicated DEEP coach to assist you in your journey of purpose
  • A dedicated DEEP coach to assist you in your journey of purpose
  • Opportunity to positively impact, rebuild and strengthen vulnerable communities
  • Opportunity to become a platform for the dreams of young persons in vulnerable communities.
  • Maximum satisfaction and fulfilment in your career
  • Access to a global partnership that will help grow your personal brand, profile and expose you to a global audience
  • A peace education consultancy certificate from MasterPeace “a global brand”.
  • Opportunity to be an author and thought leader capable of creating a generational idea legacy and impact through a book project
The DEEP partnership program is an intensive 1 year program simulation. The 1 year represents a combination of intensive facilitation sessions (on career spirituality, purpose design and development) with practical purpose driven project experience in a vulnerable community to provide experience, increase expertise, build commitment, resilience and grit.