Dark side of Subconscious Reality - Dara
“Songs like Popping Pills, Story for the gods and Baddest Bitches send messages to our minds.
Have you ever wondered why kids karate with their friends after watching a Jackie Chan movie?
It is because this image has been ingrained in their minds
and they often play out these scenes subconsciously. I am conscious of the words, songs and visuals I give attention to because I know it has a way of shaping my personality without me suspecting. To have peace within myself I have to explore the right track”. ”Hide”
and they often play out these scenes subconsciously. I am conscious of the words, songs and visuals I give attention to because I know it has a way of shaping my personality without me suspecting. To have peace within myself I have to explore the right track”.

Feeding the Inside - Bukola
“Lately, I find myself doing things that I don’t want to do, sometimes I act out negative scenes from the movies I watch unintentionally, the fact that I can’t control how I act troubles me. I am no longer at peace with myself. My eyes and ears are ”More”
windows to my mind, I have decided to be who I want to be starting from the inside, by feeding my eyes with those things that reflect who I want to be”. ”Hide”
windows to my mind, I have decided to be who I want to be starting from the inside, by feeding my eyes with those things that reflect who I want to be”.

My Dreams and Peace - Esther
“I want to be a Juvenile Development Specialist and Counselor, my heart beats for the young people both within and outside their homes. My dreams have been on the verge of being neglected because of my unwillingness to sacrifice for it. There has been ”More”
this battle in my mind. But, recently, I have come to the understanding that those battles in my mind are illusions. God sees me as a great and mighty Nation and as such demands greatly from me. This truth and knowledge has brought a change of mindset and most importantly has brought me inner peace” ”Hide”
this battle in my mind. But, recently, I have come to the understanding that those battles in my mind are illusions. God sees me as a great and mighty Nation and as such demands greatly from me. This truth and knowledge has brought a change of mindset and most importantly has brought me inner peace”